or Nick's wild mad ranting
Published on September 29, 2004 By nicksblog In Welcome
Well, after months of not being able to get into my former blog, I decided to give Jouser.com a try.

So far, so good.

Things happened last week in a cool way. I finally got a Mac. To be exact, I got a 12" Powerbok. What joy. Why havent switched before? It's been years in the wanting.

My background is education and network/computer consultancy. Of course, Windows is a big part of that life and the biggest part of that frustration. Why did we sell out body and soul to Windows and given up 94% of our desktops to Microsoft when there were better alternatives, BeOS, Mac, Linux and a slew of others? Hinsight is 20/20.

BeOS is half alive with a team of fervent supporters. I fear even in that fantastic communittee a distribution was is brewing. Mac is the other real alternatives for those who don't want to start anew. It's still familiar enough to get going quickly.

I was struck at how stable the platform is. I was struck at how easily it detected my network, wireless networks, USB equipment and ll without once looking for freaking drivers and DLL hell Windows had accustomed me to. I was also happpy to see how well application integrated with one another and how smart the system was by default. Windows has so many quirky stupid default that makes you wonder if the people who design it ever use it? Like architectes and their houses.

So I am blissful. With as little as 256 of ram, I have a lot more apps opened up and I managed to stress it enough for a reboot once.

There are quirks, I'm sure but they are so easy to deal with after having lived with Windows.

That's all!

on Oct 01, 2004

"Well, after months of not being able to get into my former blog, I decided to give Jouser.com a try."

i'm sure you'll enjoy it here, nick. welcome to ju

vanessa/mig XX